Lockdown Beauty Tips

Self-care is more important than ever these days. Whether lockdown has triggered feelings of domestic bliss or stir-craziness (or maybe a little bit of both?), we can all benefit from the distinct pleasure of self-care. Taking the time to pamper yourself is more than a distraction—it’s an investment in your overall well being. Here are some lockdown beauty tips to get you started:

  1. Master the art of nail care

It’s probably been a while since you had a proper manicure, but you don’t have to wait for salons to reopen to treat yourself to luxurious nail care and a flashy new paint job. First, tend to your neglected cuticles with olive or coconut oil to moisturize, then clip and file your nails to your desired length. Next is the tricky part—applying nail polish with your non-dominant hand. It will probably take some practice, but once you get the hang of it, you might even find home nail care more rewarding than going to a salon (yeah, right).

  1. Repair your hair

One advantage of staying home is there’s no need for daily hair-damaging routines like blow drying, curling, and flat ironing. But even though your hair is experiencing a period of peace, you can still take the time to repair previous damage and pamper your locks in preparation for future socializing. Invest in an inexpensive pair of haircutting scissors and trim away your scraggly split ends before they work their way upwards. You can also deeply condition your hair at least once a week with specialized conditioner or even all-natural items around the house like coconut oil, shea butter, avocados, and honey. 

  1. Moisturize your hands

Washing your hands frequently and using hand sanitizer is crucial right now, but it can also wreak havoc on the moisture levels in your skin. Tend to dry, cracked skin by using cool water to wash, patting your hands dry instead of wiping, and moisturizing after each wash with a specialized hand cream or general skin lotion. If you’re an essential worker and you have to wash or sanitize your hands frequently, you can repair daily damage by slathering your hands with moisturizer at night and wearing cotton gloves to bed. 

  1. Don’t forget your feet

Having extra time at home is a great opportunity to lavish some care on your feet, especially since professional pedicures are out of reach for the moment. But you don’t need expensive salon equipment to pamper your feet. You can soak them in a plastic tub filled with warm soapy water or water mixed with Epsom salts, making sure to scrub between your toes and around the toenails. After drying your feet, smooth out calluses with a pumice stone or foot file, trim and file your toenails, moisturize with a heavy cream, and if preferred, paint them with a cheery color to lift your spirits. 

  1. Steam your pores

Steaming your face opens your pores, loosens dirt and grime, and purges any residue that’s been sitting on the surface of your skin. Fortunately, you don’t need a spa-quality face steamer to indulge—all you need is a pot of boiling water and a towel. Use a large pot (the size you’d use to make pasta), fill halfway to three-quarters full with water, and let it come to a boil. Once it boils, turn off the heat, put a towel over your head, and hover about a foot from the surface of the water for a few minutes. The towel will keep the steam from escaping, allowing it to work wonders on your face. 

  1. Put your best face forward

Even if you’re not going out much during lockdown, that doesn’t mean you should neglect your daily skincare routine. Continue to wash and moisturize daily, making sure to wear sunscreen whenever you’re outside, and drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated. You can also indulge your skin with a daily or weekly face mask. And, as mentioned above, a weekly steaming session will keep your pores clean, clear, and better able to absorb your skincare products.

Pamper your face the all-natural way

While many skincare products contain harsh chemicals and animal byproducts, at Décel we believe nature knows best. The products in our Skin Care Maintenance kit contain all-natural botanical ingredients like aloe vera, sea buckthorn berry, ginseng and lavender to clean and hydrate your skin while reducing pigmentation and preventing further damage.