How to get a more even skin tone and texture

Everyone wants smooth, healthy, glowing skin, but uneven skin tone is a common problem.  A number of different factors, including age, sun exposure, hormones, and even medications can affect skin tone, leading to redness, age spots, acne scars and other pigmentation issues. Fortunately, uneven skin tone is not a permanent condition, and it can be remedied with the right skincare products and some simple lifestyle changes. Follow these tips to achieve a more even skin tone and texture:

Use sunscreen diligently

There is nothing that damages skin more than the sun. The UV rays from sunlight activate dark spots on the skin, and repeated exposure leads to dryness, fine lines and wrinkles. Worst of all, they lead to an increased risk of skin cancer. Using an SPF 50 or higher sunscreen on a daily basis will ensure your delicate facial skin is protected, and there are many dual skincare products available that provide moisturizing and sunscreen in one.

Stay hydrated

Staying hydrated is not only healthy for your body, but it also helps keep your skin moisturized and smooth. Drinking plenty of water every day hydrates your skin from the inside out, preventing the dryness that leads to a dull skin tone and fine lines and wrinkles.

Avoid certain foods and beverages

Certain foods and beverages can trigger reactions in the skin, leading to flushed, uneven skin tones. Some sugary foods are also known to speed up the development of age spots and wrinkles. For the clearest, most even skin tone, try to avoid foods and drinks such as:

  • Greasy foods
  • Processed foods
  • Dairy products, which can trigger skin irritation in some people
  • Spicy foods, which can induce redness
  • Alcohol, which can cause blood vessels to dilate and make skin looked flushed

Exfoliate regularly

Dull skin tone is often caused by layers of dead skin cells, and exfoliating regularly will remove those cells to reveal smoother, brighter skin underneath. Exfoliating also cleans out pores to remove dirt, sebum, and other impurities that cause acne. Plus, smoother skin texture actually improves skin tone, because the shadows and darkness caused by uneven texture are smoothed out and the skin appears brighter.

Look for natural ingredients in skincare products

The most effective solutions for improving skin tone aren’t made in a lab—they’re found in nature. Vitamin C, for example, is a powerful antioxidant that treats sun damage while inhibiting a specific enzyme that produces pigmentation. Other natural ingredients that can improve skin tone include:

  • Lemon: effective spot remover and skin lightener
  • Mango: rich in vitamin A, which lightens skin pigmentation
  • Sugarcane: contains phytonutrients that can reverse dark spots and wrinkles
  • Soy: brightens the skin and decreases redness
  • Sea buckthorn berry: soothes skin conditions like eczema, rosacea, and acne
  • Witch hazel: anti-inflammatory properties reduce irritation and redness
  • Rosehip oil: reduces discoloration from age spots and scarring
  • Blackseed oil: antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties help even out skin tone

Plant-based skincare from Décel

If you want to achieve a more even skin tone and texture, you’ll find the most effective results with all-natural, plant-based products that nourish, brighten, and protect your skin. At Décel, our Skin Care Maintenance Kit provides a complete, natural solution for treating skin discoloration and other issues.  And the all-natural ingredients in our products are designed to work for any skin type.