5 Natural Skincare Tips for Improving Hyperpigmentation

You’ve probably heard that wrinkles, fine lines, and hyperpigmentation on the face are inevitable parts of getting older. While it’s impossible to completely prevent the signs of aging, there are some things you can do to improve the tone and texture of your complexion. Let’s start with those dark patches on your face that seem to become even more noticeable after a day at the beach. Hyperpigmentation, or discoloration of the skin, occurs in the presence of higher than normal levels of melanin, which is the pigment that gives skin its color. Hyperpigmentation can appear as red, brown, pink, or purple looking spots or clusters that look darker than the rest of your skin. 

There are a number of factors that can influence skin discoloration. The most common cause of hyperpigmentation is sun damage. Hyperpigmentation caused by sun exposure typically consists of flat spots that are light or dark brown in color. Acne can also leave behind dark areas that make your complexion look blotchy or spotted. Skin conditions including eczema, psoriasis, and dermatitis are all common culprits of hyperpigmentation, as are hormonal changes like pregnancy and menopause. Additional causes of skin discoloration include smoking cigarettes, eating an inflammatory diet, taking certain medications, and genetics.

The good news is that you don’t have to live with hyperpigmentation on your face forever, nor do you need to undergo invasive and costly cosmetic procedures to achieve a smooth, bright, even complexion. In fact, the best treatments for hyperpigmentation stem from lifestyle changes you can make today. Here are five natural skincare tips for improving hyperpigmentation.

  • Limit sun exposure and wear SPF

  • While a small amount of sun exposure helps our bodies make vitamin D, too much can alter the structure of skin cells and lead to hyperpigmentation. Avoid direct sunlight between 10am and 3pm and always wear a broad spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher. Sunscreen blocks the skin from producing excess melanin, which will help prevent hyperpigmentation and improve the appearance of existing dark spots.

  • Avoid processed foods

  • When it comes to improving hyperpigmentation, what you put in your body is just as important as what you put on it. Cut down on processed, packaged foods that cause inflammation in the body and load up on fresh fruits and vegetables. Plant-based foods are broken down into vitamins, antioxidants, and phytonutrients the body can use to build healthy skin. Adding bone broth or collagen powder to your diet will also help replenish the skin’s moisture and strength.

  • Exercise regularly

  • Not only will working out help you feel more confident in your clothes, but it can also fade dark spots on your face. Getting your heart pumping improves blood circulation and helps the lymphatic system flush toxins from the body. Aerobic exercise in particular increases blood flow to the skin, which encourages cell turnover. Exercise aids in weight loss as well, which can also improve hyperpigmentation.

  • Quit smoking cigarettes

  • You already know smoking is bad for your health, but did you realize it’s also ruining your skin? While easier said than done, quitting smoking can dramatically improve the quality of your complexion. Cigarettes contain thousands of harmful chemicals that go directly into your bloodstream with every puff, causing dark spots, wrinkles, and dry, dull skin. Smoking cigarettes also depletes the antioxidants in your body and produces free radicals, which cause even more cell damage. 

  • Use natural skincare products

  • Many of us use skincare products that are too aggressive, hoping that they’ll fade hyperpigmentation more effectively or more quickly. In reality, chemical-based products can actually cause inflammation, making dark spots even worse. To improve hyperpigmentation, try natural skincare products instead. Plant-based skincare contains ingredients that naturally lower melanin production, fade existing hyperpigmentation, and prevent acne that can lead to irritation and dark spots.

    Improve hyperpigmentation naturally with Décel skincare products

    Aside from painful peels and expensive laser treatments, it’s easy to feel like your options for fading dark spots on your face are limited. There are so many skincare products out there that promise incredible results, but most are ineffective or make the quality of your skin even worse. That’s why we set out to develop a completely natural, plant-based skincare system that actually works. 

    At Décel, we know how challenging it can be to find products that bring out the best qualities in your skin. So, we took the guesswork out of developing a skincare regimen with our skincare Maintenance Kit. It contains everything you need to complete your morning and evening skincare routines from start to finish. Our cleanser, toner, serum, recovery mask, and collagen-peptide cream are designed to work together to improve hyperpigmentation and reveal the smooth, radiant results you’ve been searching for.

    Try our Maintenance Kit today and see a remarkable difference in your skin.